On October 23, 2024, the Slovak Parliament approved an amendment to the Minimum Wage Act, once again changing the calculation method for the minimum wage.

The proposed amendment, in line with the government’s program statement, increases the percentage used to calculate the monthly minimum wage from the current 57% to 60% of the average monthly wage of employees in Slovakia's economy. This change will first apply to the minimum wage set for 2026.

The initially lower minimum wage rate was introduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting economic crisis, which impacted almost every business entity. However, as the reasons for this reduced minimum wage have since ceased, there is a need to restore the monthly minimum wage calculation to its original state.

As of January 1, 2025, the minimum wage will increase from 750 EUR to 816 EUR, and the minimum hourly wage will increase from 4.310 EUR to 4.69 EUR.

Job Complexity Level

Minimum Monthly Wage in  2024

Minimum Monthly Wage in 2025

(e.g., basic, preparatory and handling tasks)

750 €

816 €

2 (e.g., skilled, sanitation, and administrative tasks)

866 €

932 €

(e.g., technical and managerial work)

982 €

1 048 €

4 (e.g., healthcare, systematic, and methodological work)

1098 €

1164 €

(e.g., specialized, conceptual, creative, and systematic work requiring high mental demands)

1214 €

1280 €

(e.g., managerial, organizational, and coordinating tasks))

1330 €

1396 €


The minimum wage directly impacts the calculation of wage supplements, including extra pay for Saturday, Sunday, and night shifts, as well as for being on-call outside the workplace or performing demanding tasks. As a result, these wage supplements will also increase in line with the higher minimum wage.

Supplement for 1 Hour of Work

In 2024 

In 2025

Saturday (50% of MW)

2,155 €

2,345 €

Sunday (100% of MW)

4,310 €

4,690 €

Night Shift (40% of MW)

1,724 €

1,876 €

Demanding Performance (20% of MW)

0,862 €

0,938 €

Standby Work (20% of MW)

0,862 €

0,938 €

Holiday (100% of average wage)

100% of average wage

100% of average wage

Holiday in Agreements (100% of MW)

4,310 €

4,690 €













The increase in the net minimum wage will also affect the non-taxable minimum, which is adjusted annually based on the subsistence level and will reach 479.48 EUR per month in 2025.

The amendment also introduces measures to expand collective bargaining coverage and support constructive wage negotiations between social partners. The amendment restores the binding effect of representative higher-level collective agreements on other employers in the same sector, thereby strengthening employee rights and unifying their social conditions.